Mattress Cleaning

FACT: We shed 10,000 million scales of bacteria laden skin each day, most end up in our mattresses!

When you snuggle into your bed at night, you’re sleeping on more than a comfy mattress. Sweat, bacteria, dust, dust mites and allergens are all sharing the bed with you! That’s why it’s important to clean your mattress at least twice a year, or better yet, with the change of the seasons.

Benefits of Mattress Cleaning:

  • Kills Bacteria & Dust Mites
  • Removes Stains
  • Neutralises Odours
  • Safe Removal of Bodily Accidents, Sweat Rings & Bodily Fluids
  • Reduces Allergens
  • Improves Air Quality

We’ve seen it all before. We’ve dealt with it all before. We’ve had accidents ourselves & had to clean our own!

Whatever the circumstance, give us a call for friendly advice, inspection and correction! 🙂

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Mattress Care

Proudly Trusted by the NHS… A mattress should never be passed on to the next occupant with only a change of sheet! Mattress cleaning ensures a nice clean bed for the next person to sleep in.

If fluids have seeped into a mattress, wiping the surface will only deal with the problem on the surface. Our professional mattress cleaning service cleans deep, right through your mattress, following the path of the contaminant and dealing with otherwise impossible to reach bacteria and smells! 😮.

Father lying on a clean mattress with his baby son

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